Change an existing interview

Status overview of interviews in your Cronofy dashboard

Your personal Cronofy dashboard will allow you to see an overview of all the interviews from both yourself and the rest of your team. This is also where you can cancel and/or reschedule a specific request.

Reschedule an interview

Reschedule with the same interviewer (or selection from same panel) as the original request:

  1. Go to the respective interview on your requests page in the Cronofy Dashboard.
  2. Scroll down and click on 'cancel & reschedule'.
  3. You will get a pop-up with the new scheduling link that you can share via Greenhouse e-mail communication with the candidate so they can select a new time.
  4. Once the candidate selects a new time this will be reflected in Greenhouse and in your Cronofy requests page.

Reschedule with a different interviewer (or different panel)

  1. Go to the respective interview on your requests page in the Cronofy Dashboard.
  2. Scroll down and click on 'cancel' to take the current interview out of everyone's calendar.
  3. Go back into Greenhouse to the candidate's profile and use the Cronofy browser extension to manually create a scheduling link with the other interviewer(s) that can be send to the candidate via the email function in Greenhouse.
  4. Once the candidate selects a new time this will be reflected in Greenhouse and in your Cronofy requests page.

Cancel an interview

  1. Go to the respective interview on your requests page in the Cronofy Dashboard.
  2. Scroll down and click on 'cancel' to take the current interview out of everyone's calendar.