June 19, 2024

Candidate Expectations 2024: Candidates Fed up with Lack of Responsiveness in Recruiting

Our annual report is back and bigger than ever, this time surveying 12,000 candidates across 7 countries. What were their priorities and hopes for recruiting in 2024? We've got the results.
3 min read
Profile photo of Akvile Peckyte
Akvile Peckyte
Marketing Manager
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Cronofy, the embedded scheduler for high-performance teams, has released the latest edition of its annual Candidate Expectations report. Surveying 12,000 candidates across 7 countries in Europe and North America, the report presents exclusive insights into what candidates want out of hiring experiences.

Here's a glimpse of what this year's results taught us:

1. Long waiting times psychologically damaging to anxious candidates

Candidates from the UK, France, Germany, USA, Spain, Canada, and the Netherlands share that long times taken to schedule interviews, ghosting, and a lack of communication are placing higher psychological burdens on candidates than ever before. They name the top most frustrating issue in recruiting as lack of responsiveness and poor communication (at 28%). Neurodiverse candidates feel the effect of inefficient interview processes even more keenly, reporting higher levels of stress at 56%, compared to the global population (38%).

2. Candidates complain of longest interview scheduling delays on record due to increased recruiter workload

Amidst layoffs, candidates report feeling that the market is starkly less stable compared to previous years. In 2024, a higher proportion (36%) candidates are waiting a month or more before disengaging from an interview scheduling process, up 12% from last year. Just 12% of candidates would disengage after 1 week, less than half compared to 2023.

Recruiters come under more pressure as the percentage of candidates expecting to wait a month or more for their first interview is up almost 3x from last year (from 5% to 14%). The largest proportion of candidates (31%) report their first interview took as long as 2-3 weeks to schedule, presenting a missed opportunity for recruiters looking to recruit top candidates.

3. Candidates demand automated interview scheduling to ease delay pains

Candidates named the top area they want to see automated as interview scheduling at 37%. With 81% also saying having human touchpoints during the hiring process is vitally important, recruiters need to balance automation and timely communication to succeed.

Want to learn more about what candidates want from recruiters?

Get the latest on candidate experience, as well as insights about how to get hiring right in 2024 by reading the full 2024 Candidate Expectations Report.