We built scheduling so you don't have to

Embed Scheduling
As simple as a button embed
The fastest way to add scheduling to your application. Add the Cronofy Embed NPM package to your app and you'll embed all of the capabilities of the Cronofy Scheduler.
A full set of client and server-side callbacks allow you to track when times are selected, rescheduling occurs and much more. Fully managed by us, so you don't have to.

Automated Rescheduling Built-in
Rescheduling is often the most time-consuming and painful aspect of scheduling, so we handle it for you and notify your application when it is done.
Whether you're using the embedded Scheduler or the Scheduler API, you can control both whether people can reschedule and what happens when they do.

Scheduling Complexity
Built for your scheduling needs
Most scheduling services only handle one to one meetings. Cronofy is different in that it supports multiple people as standard. With automated selection rules, multi-person scheduling eliminates the burden of hand rolled matching and coordination logic.

Custom workflows to match your business needs
Cronofy’s workflow engine will notify your application of meeting bookings, rescheduling, upcoming events and much more.
Configure one web hook for your application and you'll always be up to date. Allowing you to focus on building the features that differentiate your app against your competitors.
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