Canceling and Rescheduling

Here you can find detailed information on how to reschedule or cancel an appointment in Cronofy, whether you are a coordinator, host, or invitee. This guide provides an in-depth look at the process.

Cancel and Reschedule

Canceling a request

You can cancel a request by opening the request from the dashboard, scrolling all the way to the bottom and clicking "cancel".

An invitee can cancel the invite from the link they receive per email after and event was scheduled. Or decline the meeting in the initial scheduling request.

In both cases all participant are informed per email.


Conduct easy rescheduling as a host by opening the event from the dashboard and clicking "Cancel and Reschedule". The event will be canceled in order to remove it from everyone's calendars.

Invitees can reschedule if the option is set before sending the invite link.

The attendees of the event will receive updates from the calendar provider (e.g. Google, Office365, etc.) as they would for a non-Scheduler event.

Who can cancel or reschedule?


Coordinator can reschedule or cancel from the dashboard. As the coordinator of the event, you will be notified by Cronofy if there are any changes to the event, for example when an event is moved or canceled.

Host | Hiring Manager

A host can reschedule from the dashboard or the rescheduling link that is shared when the event is scheduled.

Invitees | Interviewers

If you are invited as an invitee you can reschedule your planned event via the rescheduling link that will be sent to you once you selected slot.

Additional attendees cannot cancel or reschedule since they are not mandatory for the appointment.

Some use cases:

to help you better understand the cancelling and rescheduling options in Cronofy.

The interviewer needs to be changed so the interview slot can stay the same.

  1. Go into the browser extension to create a new request with the new interviewer as a host. If this is a last minute change you can use specific slots so we override the new interviewers' minimum notice/buffer preferences.
  2. Use the link to book the time on behalf of the candidate in the booking form.
  3. Cancel the existing (old) interview.

The interviewer needs to be changed so the interview slot can stay the same.

  1. Go into the browser extension to create a new request with the new interviewer as a host. If this is a last minute change you can use specific slots so we override the new interviewers' minimum notice/buffer preferences.
  2. Use the link to book the time on behalf of the candidate in the booking form.
  3. Cancel the existing (old) interview.

The candidate declined the invite

A candidate can decline the interview like a regular event in their calendar, or they can use the 'Decline' link provided by Cronofy in their calendar invite. In both cases you will be notified and the request in the dashboard will show you the decline.

Steps to handle a candidate decline:

  1. You will receive a notification in your email when the candidate declines the calendar invite.
  2. You can go into the request (link will be in the notification) and cancel this for all participants with the 'Cancel' button at the bottom of the page.

Note: when a candidate declines the event in either way, the interviewer will still have the invite in their calendar.