Creating a scheduling request

At its core, a scheduling request is a link you generate and send to your candidate. Cronofy generates the link for you based on the simple principle of:


From the self-scheduling link, your candidate chooses a suitable time based on your availability.

With Cronofy you can schedule your own appointments as a host, or act as a coordinator to manage schedules for others, maximizing your teams time and productivity.

00:45 min
How to schedule for someone else
00:54 min
How to schedule with an interviewer pool
01:03 min
How to add optional attendees
01:08 min
How to override busy blocks in someone's calendar
00:45 min
How to update someone else's availabilityin their preferences
00:50 min
How to manually invite people to join so you can schedule for them


Is the availability that is shared with a candidate real-time?

Yes. This will always be updated based on the calendar changes of the interviewer pool.

Only when you choose to override availability, or ignore availability, will we disregard any calendar updates.

How do I schedule for a pool of interviewers?

You'll need to first create a selection rule. After that you can add this rule as the host of the meeting and we will select one person, or multiple people, to attend the meeting.

Create selection rule

How does Cronofy select an interviewer?

This is 100% randomized based on whoever is available at the time the candidate selected.

Why does the availability preview show different slots when I create the request than in the final booking form?

To ensure we calculate the availability of needed interviewers as fast as possible, we select a randomized subset of interviewers from the larger selection rule. This subsets' availability is usually ˜6-10 interviewers.

When you create the request you will only see a preview of availability, when you create the request the booking form will select a final subset of interviewers that is static and will be shown to the candidate.

Will Cronofy calculate the availability even when I use a selection rule (pool) as a host?

Yes, we will share real-time availability with the candidate. Once a time is selected we will randomly choose an available person from the pool as the host.

Will everyone's timezone be automatically be taken into account?

Yes, we will take availability based on the interviewer(s) timezone settings and share this with the candidate in their own timezone.