Cronofy & SmartRecruiters

Embed Cronofy scheduling into your SmartRecruiters recruiting workflows and support your most complex interview scheduling requirements.

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Advanced SmartRecruiters scheduling, at scale

Leverage Cronofy's time-saving interview scheduling features directly from your SmartRecruiters ATS. Schedule panel, group, and sequenced interviews 12x faster.

Make hiring easier with your SmartRecruiters ATS and Cronofy interview scheduling.

Join these teams who have already added Cronofy to SmartRecruiters

Save a day a week on admin
Scheduler interviews 12x faster
Multi-person interviews scheduled like magic

Automate complex group interview scheduling

While SmartRecruiters is a powerful recruiting platform and offers 1-to-1 interview scheduling, there are some use cases that the platform doesn't cover. With Cronofy's integration, you can automate multi-person, sequenced interview scheduling without the complexity of multiple calendars.

Extend your SmartRecruiters scheduling with Cronofy

Cronofy for ATS
Override interviewer "busy" times
Allow private events
Add candidate profile and interview kit to interviewers' invite
Combined panels and dynamic pools
Dynamic interviewer pools
Schedule more than one interview at once
Send separate invites
Buffer times around interviews
Advanced rescheduling
Sequences (back-to-back interviews)
Auto-schedule when candidate changes process stage
Pre-defined time slots
Constraints on amount of interviews per week
Multi-domain branding

Accelerate your scheduling