July 15, 2024

Losing Top Talent: How Common Recruitment Mistakes Risk Your Employer Brand

Poor communication, ghosting, and lengthy interview processes are driving candidates away and tarnishing your brand. How can you create a more efficient, transparent, and candidate-friendly hiring experience in 2024, and what role can automation play in this?
8 min read
Profile photo of Akvile Peckyte
Akvile Peckyte
Marketing Manager
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The recruitment process can be a make-or-break moment for both candidates and employers. While companies strive to attract top talent, many inadvertently push candidates away due to common pitfalls in their hiring processes. Understanding the factors that lead candidates to abandon the interview process is crucial for improving recruitment strategies and maintaining a strong employer brand.

Let’s explore what the insights from our recent annual candidate survey data tell us about the reasons why candidates drop out, and the significant effects this has on both the candidates and the employers.

1. Lack of Communication Leads to Frustration and Dropouts

Amongst all current issues in hiring, candidates cite a lack of communication as the most frustrating aspect of the recruitment process.

One of the primary reasons candidates leave the interview process is insufficient communication from recruiters and hiring managers. Delays in responses, unclear instructions, and infrequent updates leave candidates uncertain about their application status and next steps.

Impact on Employer Branding:

  • Risk to Reputation: Candidates who experience poor communication are likely to share their negative experiences on platforms like Glassdoor, which can impact your company’s reputation.
  • Decreased Trust: Lack of communication erodes trust in the employer, making it harder to attract high-quality candidates in the future.
  • Lower Candidate Engagement: Candidates may disengage from the application process early or avoid the company entirely, leading to a reduction in the overall quality of applicants.

Our Tip: Maintain regular communication to keep candidates engaged

Keep candidates informed at every stage of the process. Use automated updates to ensure timely communication and set expectations about timelines.

2. Ghosting and Lack of Transparency Damage Trust and Employer Reputation

Ghosting, or the sudden cessation of communication from recruiters, leaves candidates feeling undervalued and disrespected. This lack of closure, combined with insufficient information about the interview process, timelines, and role details, can lead to significant drops in candidate trust and engagement. According to the Candidate Expectations Report, a lack of transparency was cited as the second most frustrating part of the interview process by 17% of the candidates.

In 2024, there are no excuses for ghosting candidates anymore, because there are multiple tools and systems to support you in giving feedback to candidates. You can use an ATS to schedule communications, there are assessment solutions that offer automated feedback on test results. In the recruiter's defense, I think one reason for ghosting is actually the good intention of wanting to give manual feedback, yet only a few of us have enough time to actually do it.

— Malin Freiman Moezzi, Licensed Psychologist

Impact on Employer Branding:

  • Negative Reviews: As with lack of communication, candidates who are ghosted or left in the dark often leave scathing reviews online, warning others about their experience. This can deter potential applicants from considering your company.
  • Perceived Disrespect: Ghosting and lack of clear communication are seen as disrespectful and unprofessional, damaging the employer’s image and leading to a perception of a toxic workplace culture.
  • Increased Candidate Drop-out Rates: Candidates are more likely to withdraw their applications if they feel uncertain about the hiring process, leading to a smaller and less diverse talent pool. In fact, 43% of candidates report dropping out of interview processes due to long times to schedule interviews in 2024.
  • Reduced Candidate Referrals: Candidates who feel ghosted are unlikely to refer others to apply for positions at your company, reducing your talent pool.

Our tip: Ensure transparency and implement no-ghosting policies to maintain trust

To foster trust and maintain candidate engagement, make it a policy to provide feedback to all candidates, regardless of their progress in the hiring process. Clearly outline the interview process, including the number of stages, expected timelines, and preparation guidelines. Some companies include this information on their career page to set clear expectations from the start. By maintaining transparency throughout job descriptions, interviews, and all stages of communication, you can build a strong foundation of trust with potential hires.

3. Prolonged Interview Processes Increase Candidate Stress

Globally, 38% of candidates cited long and drawn-out processes as a major source of stress, and this number rose to 56% for those who identified as neurodivergent.

Prolonged interview processes can wear candidates down. Long waits between stages, excessive rounds of interviews, and delays in decision-making can cause candidates to lose interest or accept offers from other companies.

Impact on Employer Branding:

  • Perception of Inefficiency: Lengthy interview processes can make your company appear disorganized and inefficient, which can be off-putting to potential applicants.
  • Higher Dropout Rates: Candidates are more likely to drop out and accept other offers, leading to a need to restart the hiring process and higher recruitment costs.
  • Competitive Disadvantage: When faced with multiple offers, 70% of candidates consider the smoothness of the recruitment process to be a key factor when deciding which role to pick. This could leave your company at a disadvantage.

Our tip: Streamline processes to reduce candidate frustration

Eliminate unnecessary steps and aim to reduce the overall time-to-hire. Use tools like automated scheduling to speed up the process – in fact, candidates picked it as the top area they want to see automated in hiring this year.

4. Disorganized Processes Deter Top Talent

Disorganized and inefficient interview processes, such as long wait times, unclear communication, and poorly structured interviews, can lead candidates to withdraw from the process. However, the broader issue is the perception candidates form about the company when faced with disorganized interview processes.

Impact on Employer Branding:

  • Negative Public Perception: Candidates are quick to form negative opinions about a company with disorganized interview processes. According to the Candidate Expectations Report, 34% of candidates felt that disorganized processes indicated that the company did not respect their time.
  • Perceived Lack of Care: 33% of candidates believe that disorganized interview processes suggest that the company does not care about its candidates or the recruitment process. This perception can severely damage the company’s reputation and make it less attractive to top talent.
  • Perceived Lack of Organizational Resources: Candidates might view inefficient processes as a sign that the company has insufficient assets, which encompass human, technology, and financial resources. This can deter candidates who value structured and efficient recruitment practices.
  • Concerns about Company Culture: Disorganized processes can make candidates question the overall company culture, including its commitment to inclusivity. Candidates expect a company to be well-organized and efficient, reflecting a culture that values all employees. As seen in the graph above, 12% of candidates felt that a lack of organization indicated poor inclusivity.

Our Tip: Improve organization and demonstrate inclusivity

Ensure your hiring process is well-organized and efficient to reflect a positive company culture. Implement structured interview processes and use technology to manage scheduling and communications. Show commitment to inclusivity by making accommodations for diverse candidates and communicating these efforts clearly during the hiring process. By demonstrating respect for candidates’ time and a commitment to inclusivity, you can enhance your employer brand and attract top talent.

Top takeaways:

When candidates drop out due to the factors above, it affects their perception of the company and can lead to negative word-of-mouth, both online and offline. This can deter other potential candidates from applying.

For employers, the impact is significant. They lose out on great hires and their employer brand suffers. Negative experiences are often shared on review sites, like Glassdoor, affecting future talent acquisition.

By addressing these factors, companies can improve their hiring practices and maintain a strong employer brand. A well-organized, transparent, and respectful recruitment process attracts top talent and enhances the company’s reputation.

Ready to Enhance Your Recruitment Process?

Discover how you can streamline your hiring and improve candidate experience by reading the full Candidate Expectations 2024 report.